Resource Pet Mods Workshop Thread

Name TBD
This mod aims to delete all current abilities, and replace them with new ones that are based on typing.

The way this mod will attempt to do it is by creating new "types" by merging two existing types. However, instead of working as a regular type, it instead becomes the ability of the Pokemon, with the new ability incorporating aspects of the two types being merged. . Its a bit hard to understand, so I will attempt to explain it. A Pokémon with the Water/Fire typing might have "Steam" as an ability, with "Steam" allowing Water-type moves to hit Ice-types super-effectively.

The new merged type/ability will replace the abilities of all the mons with that typing.

Problems (and possible solutions):
What will happen to mons with ability-based forms?
The most likely thing is that they will be changed to be able to function individually
How would this work out as a group project?

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Intentional Femboy Penguin
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributor
Community Leader
Pet Mod Name: Undecided as of yet (considering Pick Six; Six Ways; Six Squad or Speciation)

Pet Mod Concept: A metagame where only 6 Pokémon exist, but each of them have multiple forms. The idea is to make a mod based around Species Clause, where you'll have to pick which form of each mon you want to bring for your team.

Explanation: As mentioned above, the mod would only have 6 Pokémon, and then have new forms built around said Pokémon. Ideally, each Pokémon would have a dedicated generalistic role that all of its forms should be able to perform. So, for instance, if the mod had a Toxicroak with the role of "Pivot", all of its forms should, in one way or another, be able to fill the role of a pivot.

The mod would start at a Slate 0, where people would submit their proposed 6 Pokémon, alongside their intended roles. These initial submissions can apply some changes to the Pokémon being submitted - So, for an example, if you submit Flygon and want to change its ability or add/remove moves, or even stats and typing, you'd be allowed to do that. This is simply so we can have more freedom with how the "base" forms will be like, since they're what the entire mod would be based around. Ideally, these should not be too wild right away.

It should also be mentioned that things such as flavour and lore would be taking a bit of a backseat here. This isn't to say you can just add anything to the mons, but I'd want to encourage freedom for these initial base forms rather than limiting things for flavour.

For Slate 0, people would vote for the whole set of 6 Pokémon together. So if Person A submits Landorus/Toxapex/Blissey/Garchomp/Cinderace/Gholdengo, Person B submits Charizard/Pikachu/Mewtwo/Meowth/Eevee/Gyarados and Person C submits Metagross/Tyranitar/Hydreigon/Dragonite/Spidops/Dragapult, you cannot vote individually for Charizard or Toxapex. You'd be voting for all 6 Pokémon that each person has submitted

From there onwards, each slate people would submit a brand new form for each of the 6 mons, using their base form as a starting point

And here's the part where I need the workshop's help with: How to make a ruleset that makes the alternate forms still feel like proper alternate forms (as in, they don't diverge too far from the original base form that they no longer feel like the same Pokémon) while also allowing people to have variety when submitting the forms?

As previously mentioned, the base forms are to be used as a starting point, meaning they new forms would initially carry over the abilities, stats, typing, and moves of the base form. It is then up to the submitter to change those to create the new form. However, I am afraid that letting people change all of that all at once may be a bit too much freedom and could result in the forms being too different (Say, if you take Garchomp, tweak its stats, change its type, change its movepool and change its ability, you can make a Landorus-T)

To tackle that solution, I was thinking on some sort of point system, where you essentially would not be able to change everything all at once. The idea would be, for an example, that if you change the stats too much, you'd be left with little to no points left for changing the rest. If you decide to switch the typing and account for new moves for STAB, then you risk not being able to change stats much, so on and so forth. Ideally, stronger moves/abilities/types would cost more points to balance eachother out, so for an example you can't make a Fairy form for as cheap as you could make a Bug form.

However, when I presented this idea in the discord server, some people worried that this would be an unfun and needlessly complicated ruleset to sub to. Thus, I go back to my earlier question: Are there any suggestions to how I can approach this in a way that prevents people from derivating too far from the original mons while also still being engaging to submit to?

I am also taking any opinions on the proposed names
So, to preface, I do not know what Pet Mods are, but a moderator sent me here I suppose to get feedback on this idea.

I would like to be able to make a custom group of mons for a DnD campaign I am making which will use Showdown for Pokémon battles. It would include new Pokémon, regional variants of some older mons, and its own legendaries and mythical. This is mainly just for my friend group and I, however anyone could use it. I just need assistance on how I would go about making it. If anyone would like to help me, that would be great. My discord u is BigOlBimmy#7093. Just dm me if you can help.
So, to preface, I do not know what Pet Mods are, but a moderator sent me here I suppose to get feedback on this idea.

I would like to be able to make a custom group of mons for a DnD campaign I am making which will use Showdown for Pokémon battles. It would include new Pokémon, regional variants of some older mons, and its own legendaries and mythical. This is mainly just for my friend group and I, however anyone could use it. I just need assistance on how I would go about making it. If anyone would like to help me, that would be great. My discord u is BigOlBimmy#7093. Just dm me if you can help. (pet mods coding room)


Intentional Femboy Penguin
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributor
Community Leader
So, to preface, I do not know what Pet Mods are, but a moderator sent me here I suppose to get feedback on this idea.

I would like to be able to make a custom group of mons for a DnD campaign I am making which will use Showdown for Pokémon battles. It would include new Pokémon, regional variants of some older mons, and its own legendaries and mythical. This is mainly just for my friend group and I, however anyone could use it. I just need assistance on how I would go about making it. If anyone would like to help me, that would be great. My discord u is BigOlBimmy#7093. Just dm me if you can help.
Hello, and welcome to Pet Mods! To give a quick and simplified explaination of what Pet Mods are, we create specific individual changes to the game based on community input, usually through each Pet Mod's set of rules for submissions.

i do believe you've come to the right place. From what I understand, your project has new Pokémon created entirely by just you and your friends, correct? If that is the case, I recommend checking out Solomods Rules & Regulations and Solomods Megathread. (In short, "Solomods" are what we call Pet Mods where all the changes and additions are created either by just one person or a small group of people. Your project seems to fall under this, as all the new Pokémon are being created by your group of friends)

If you have any more questions about how to submit your idea, feel free to ask in our Discord server.
Pet Mod Name: Chain Meta (get it its like chain letter)
Pet Mod Concept: Fakemon micrometa type mod where each mon is submitted as part of a chain, with each designed to specifically counter the mon that precedes it.
Explanation: Each "chain" would take the form of a slate, which would consist of a signups phase where people sign up to be actually in the chain, and then the "chain phase" where the list of users is sorted into a random order and they recieve the last completed submission in the chain. Repeat until a chain is complete, and then all mons in the chain are added into the metagame.

Questions that still need working out:
- How long should a chain be? In the event of a large number of signups, would it be better to make multiple shorter chains in the interest of getting through slates in a reasonable timeframe before the heat death of the universe?
- How should overpowered submissions be handled? If a particularly insane mon gets submitted to a chain early on, it could very well add a massive amount of powercreep to the following submissions.
- How should deadlines be handled? My current idea is that each submitter gets 48 hours from recieving the mon they have to "beat", at which point they are passed over and the next submitter recieves that mon instead.
- How should the initial submission that starts off a chain be handled? The initial submitter theoretically has the highest impact on the whole chain.

Miscellaneous: If this ever gets approved I'd appreciate someone willing to help out with coding if possible.


Intentional Femboy Penguin
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributor
Community Leader
After some Discussion in the Pet Mods Discord Server, I now come with a more finalized version of this idea. So, allow me to reintroduce the mod...

:vulpix:Six by Six:vulpix-alola:

As Pet Mods grow larger, something I feel has been left underexplored is the many Battle Clauses implemented onto Showdown, as most Pet Mods tend to just default to the same ones as OU (Or, at most, create a new one for whatever the mod needs). This, of course, is not an issue, but I wanted to create a Pet Mod centered entirely around a clause, in specific, the Species Clause. It dictates that you can only run one individual per species on a team, meaning you can't, for an example, use two Talonflame on the same team. This also extends to forms, which is where this mod's concept comes in:

The idea is to create a metagame with only six species of Pokémon available. However, each of these six Pokémon would have multiple forms. Essentially, you'll have to pick one form from each of these Pokémon to build your team.​

Submission Rules and Mechanics

The Pet Mod would be split into two phases - Slate 0 and Slates 1 - 5. During the first phase, users will submit which 6 Pokémon will be used as a base for the entire mod (more details in this process will be explained a bit). During the second phase, users submit the new forms for these Pokémon.

For Slate 0, people would submit 6 Pokémon in a blank state - this is to say that these submissions are entirely dettached from the Pokémon's vanilla data. Using Ninetales as an example, it being subbed during slate 0 does not have to follow the real statline that Ninetales has in official formats, nor be mono fire. This applies to all of Type, Ability, Movepool and Stats. Everything during this slate will be built from the ground up. I am not putting any particular limitation on how these Pokémon have to be built - just make sure they're balanced.

These 6 Pokémon will serve as the basis for what the entire rest of the mod will branch off of, so people should be very mindful of what they give to their Pokémon! These 6 Pokémon will also be added together as a pack, with one person submitting a whole set of 6 Pokémon. Make sure your submissions are balanced in relaion to one another!

Each of these 6 Pokémon will also be assigned a general role, decided by the submitter. These should be broad ideas that allow different Pokémon to fill the proposed niche - for some examples, these roles could be Pivot, Damage Control, Speed Control, etc. Forms submitted during the second phase will have to find a way to tie back to this proposed role.

A template for Slate 0 submissions can be found below

Pokémon: Pokemon-Base Form Name

Base Stats: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 [0 BST]
Abilities: Ability / Ability2 // Ability3

Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves

Intended General Role:

[B]Pokémon[/B]: Pokemon-Base Form Name
[B]Type[/B]: [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]
[B]Base Stats[/B]: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 [0 BST]
[B]Abilities[/B]: Ability / Ability2 // Ability3

[IMG][/IMG] Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
[IMG][/IMG] Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
[IMG][/IMG] Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves

[B]Intended General Role[/B]:

For Slates 1 - 5, all submissions will be based around the Slate 0 Pokémon. These will be submitted indiidually rather than as a set. Every slate, one new form will be added for each Pokémon. You'll start with the forms that were created during the first phase, and for each form, you'll be able to do one Large, one Medium and one Small change to Abilities, Types and Stats. The following are the "costs" of each of them:

Small - Loses a type and becomes monotype or Typing remains unchanged
Medium - One type may be changed
Large - Both types are changed

Small - Changes only up to 10 points per stat or Stats stay unchanged
Medium - Changes up to 20 points per stat
Large - Changes up to 40 points per stat

Small - May change up to 2 abilities, but has to keep a similar effect to the original*
Medium - May change up to 2 abilities. One ability may be replaced freely, the other one with a similar effect to the original
Large - May replace or remove abilities freely

*For an example, Moxie may be replaced by an ability that raises Attack or an ability that activates upon KOing an opponent. Lightning Rod may be replaced with an ability that raises Special Attack or an ability that gives Electric immunity.

As for Moves, for every one Relevant Move you add, you must remove two. If the form's typing is changed, you may remove one Relevant Move of the type it lost and add one of the type it has gained.

The BST of a Pokémon must be the same across all of its forms.

Form-Changing abilities are banned as they somewhat defeat the premisse of this mod and would allow people to bypass the "one new form per slate" rule.

A template for Slate 1 - 5 submissions can be found below

Pokémon: Pokemon-New Form Name

Base Stats: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 [0 BST]
Abilities: Ability / Ability2 // Ability3

Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves

- Relevant Moves Lost | Usually Useless Moves Lost
+ Relevant Moves Gained | Usually Useless Moves Gained

Role Justification:

[B]Pokémon[/B]: Pokemon-New Form Name
[B]Type[/B]: [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]
[B]Base Stats[/B]: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 [0 BST]
[B]Abilities[/B]: Ability / Ability2 // Ability3

[IMG][/IMG] Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
[IMG][/IMG] Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves
[IMG][/IMG] Relevant Moves | Usually Useless Moves

- Relevant Moves Lost | Usually Useless Moves Lost
+ Relevant Moves Gained | Usually Useless Moves Gained

[B]Role Justification[/B]:


Flavour would take a bit of a backseat for the creation of these forms. If you want your Ninetales sub to be a Dragon-Type, nothing is stopping you.

These forms don't necessarily have to be named "Ninetales-Alola" or follow other pre-established form names. Get creative! (within reason) This is partially inspired by RPG Classes so use that as inspiraion if you must.

I have not yet decided how voting will work for Slate 0, but for Slates 1 - 5, each person would get 3 votes per mon, with the votes being weighted (Meaning you can vote "Ninetales - Person X, Person Y, Person Z" and now X has 3 votes, Y has 2 votes and Z has 1 vote. In case of a tie, the mod's council will tiebreak the vote)

I still want to keep this saved for a bit longer, at elast until I finish my classes for the semester, but in the time being I'd be interested to hear if anyone is interested in being a council member if this mod gets approved. I am preferably looking for people with a good knowledge of competitive and balancing as the nature of this mod is more competitive than usual.
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I recently had a battle with a user SceptileKyle and a conversation ensued after my Corviknight got defeated by a Florges-- In lore, Pokemon Dex entries are all pretty succinct with their descriptions, but after giving it some careful consideration, wouldn't it be fun(ny) to have a meta game based around the entries of Pokemon?

Hear me out:


The meta game will be based on Pokedex entries. There are a LOT of them and, while it might up to interpretation with others as to what the entries imply and how they would work in the context of game like this, I imagine that the Pokemon viability, stats, and other factors would be based on what their dex entry says.

For example:

Dex Entry: When this Pokémon detects danger, it will open up its crystalline petals and fire beams from its conical body.
New Abilities:
Glimmora gets Mega Launcher and will have access to moves that are "Beam" related (I.E Solarbeam, Ice Beam, Steel Beam, etc.)

Dex Entry: Kilowattrel inflates its throat sac to amplify its electricity. By riding the wind, this Pokémon can fly over 430 miles in a day.
New Abilities: Kilowattrel already gets access to Wind Power, but Swapping its SPAtk with its ATK would make for a great Wind Rider mon.

Dex Entry: This intelligent Pokémon has a very daring disposition. It knocks rocks into the sky with its hammer, aiming for flying Corviknight.
New Abilities: Rocky Payload
to hit those pesky Corviknights? Give it access to Stone Edge or Rock Type moves to deal neutral damage to any bulky flying type mons.

Dex Entry: When Mienshao comes across a truly challenging opponent, it will lighten itself by biting off the fur on its arms.
New Abilities: Filet Away is the closest thing I can think of in terms of something new, as the move removes something off of the Pokemon for it to fight better.

Possible bans:

Dex Entry: Glastrier has tremendous physical strength, and the mask of ice covering its face is 100 times harder than diamond.
I mean, Glastrier is already bulky with a lot of attack and 0 speed, but if the 100x harder than diamond description isn't enough to describe just how much bulkier it would be in this meta, it might be the "Tremendous Physical Strength".
Mini Mega's​

A little cup pet mod where Pokémon that hold the basic Poké Ball item can evolve mid battle into their final forms. Only one Poké Ball holder per team and evolution can only happen once per game per player. The evolution is identical to mega evolution, changing stats accordingly and happening 1st during a turn and with dynamic speed and ability changes.

Pokémon with branched evolutions (like Ralts), evolutions with different forms (like Rockruff) or multiple regional forms (like Cubone) can hold a specific type of Poké Ball to evolve into the chosen evolution.
Not sure exactly how this would work but probably there will be a set order of Poké Balls (up to eight for Eevee) that correspond to split evolutions alphabetically (not by national dex number cause of forms like Lycanroc all being under the same dex number).

For example, lets say the order is Poke ball, Great ball, Ultra ball, Dusk Ball and so on. A Oddish with a poke ball will change to Bellossom but one with great ball would change into Vileplume. Forms would be ordered by the subtitle of their respective form. So Rapid Strike Urshifu would be Kubfu with a poke ball but Single Strike Urshifu would be Kubfu with a great ball. Regional forms would simply be ordered by which region was released 1st. So a Kanto form would be a poke ball but a Alolan form would be a great ball.

The ability after evolving is the ability in the same slot as the ability selected in team builder (1st, 2nd, or hidden). For example: a Happiny with natural cure will evolve into a Blissey with natural cure while a Happiny with friend guard will evolve into a Blissey with healer.

Unlike mega evolution, the HP stat is changed mid battle to reflect the final form’s hp. The current HP percentage stays the same upon evolution (the actual number will round up if needed)

Pokémon holding a pokeball are treated as if they are holding a mega stone. Their item can’t be removed by any methods, knock off is always low power against them, but poltergeist can hit them.

Pokémon are stuck with the move sets they currently have. They can’t use moves that only their final forms learn

They stay level 5 after evolution (obviously) even if its impossible to get that final form at level 5.

Just like megas, if a final form needs to be banned, the 1st form will be banned from holding a poke ball. The pre evolution itself wont get banned. If a certain split evolution is overbearing but another final form in the same line is not ban worthy, the mon will be banned from holding the respective poke ball that turns them into the banned final form.

There is no way to access middle stages so Pokémon like Chansey and Bisharp can not be evolved into.

Actual Mega evolutions have no say on the meta. A Bulbasaur will always evolve into a basic Venasuar and never a mega Venasaur, even if megas comeback.

If the middle evolution has less or more abilities then both the 1st and final form, it does not affect how the ability is decided. For example, Metapod has one ability while Caterpie and Butterfree both have two. Caterpie will still get the appropriate ability if it evolves.

If the pre evolution has multiple abilities but the final form only has one, it will always have that ability upon evolution. For example, a Trapinch will always have levitate upon evolution.

If the pre evolution has 3 abilities but the final form has 2, the 1st forms ability that doesn’t have a respective slot in the finals abilities becomes the finals 1st slot ability. For example: an Eevee with run away that chooses to be an Espeon will have synchronize while an Eevee with adaptability that chooses to be an Espeon will also have synchronize. However, an Eevee with anticipation that chooses to be an Espeon will have magic bounce as it should.

Pre evolutions with less abilities then their final form will be looked at on a case to case basis to decide what ability it will have upon evolution. Typically, the better ability will be chosen and prioritized. (I believe this only applies to Ferroseed, who would always rather have iron barbs over anticipation if it evolved)

Nincada can evolve into either Ninjask or Shedninja depending on the poke ball it holds. Not both at the same time like in game.

Froakie can’t evolve into a Greninja with battle bond because Greninja's with battle bonds are considered a different form and there’s no respective form for Froakie.

Pokémon with stat and/or ability gender differences in its evolution will evolve into the right form based on its gender. For example: a male Espurr evolves into the male Meowstic, a female Espurr evolves into the female Meowstic. This does not include Pokémon with specific species that it can only evolve into based on gender, like Snorunt or Combee. Mons like these will evolve based on type of poke ball held and will have their gender changed as they evolve if it’s not a gender the evolution can be.

If the Pokémon’s default ability is an ability that activates upon switch in, and it keeps that ability as it evolves, the ability will not reactivate as it evolves. However, if a mons default ability doesn’t activate upon switch in, but it evolves into a mon with an ability that actives upon switch in, the ability will activates the turn it evolves (just like how Manectric activates intimidate upon mega evolution). If a mon's default ability activates upon switch in, but it's ability after evolution is a different switch in ability, both will activate at their respective times.

I'm sure someone has came up with an idea like this before, but I made this totally originally so its just a coincidence if this is similar to something else.
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User feints.
is a Forum Moderator
made some adjustments to an old concept

Premise: A Clean Slate-style micrometa where we make adjustments to Pokemon using restrictions set by a sudoku board.


"Clean-Slate style"
  • Essentially, any part of a Pokémon can be changed freely, from type, abilities, stats, and movepool.
  • No custom elements
"Restrictions set by a Sudoku Board"
  • Each Pokemon will be created with sudoku board like this:

  • The sudoku board uses numbers 1-4, which are entered in the outlined boxes. The board should follow standard sudoku rules: one of each number in each row, one of each number in each column, one of each number in each quadrant.
A. To edit one Pokemon, we will need 5 Pokemon. They will be numbered from 0-4. Pokemon 0 will be the adjusted Pokemon, and Pokemon 1-4 will be used to set the restrictions.

B. Each Pokemon has an associated move, ability, and two values called Mixed Offenses and Mixed Defenses that are calculated using the base stats. If a Pokemon's number is entered into a box, the restriction for that box will concern that Pokemon's typing, ability, move, stats, etc. (typing is not listed, but the restriction will use all of the Pokemon's typing).

C. The red quadrant sets restrictions based on typing, as follows (NOTE: "This Pokemon" refers to the adjusted Pokemon, not the Pokemon that corresponds to the number entered):

D. The yellow quadrant sets restrictions based on abilities, as follows:

E. The blue quadrant sets restrictions based on moves, as follows:

F. The green quadrant sets restrictions based on stats, as follows:

G: You may omit ONE restriction by clicking the checkbox below the box you want to omit. You may still follow some or all of the restriction of the omitted box, but it will not be required for a valid submission.

H. Enter the information for your adjusted Pokemon in the outlined boxes. If a Pokemon is supposed to have a move from the blue quadrant but already has it, do NOT include it in the added moves section. If a Pokemon is NOT supposed to have a move from the blue quadrant but never had it in the first place, do NOT include it in the remove moves section.

I. You can score points based on following extra restrictions, as follows:

Example video coming soon...

  • Each slate, there will be 5 sets of 5 Pokemon, along with abilities and moves for each. You may make ONE submission for each puzzle. In order to submit an adjustment, make a copy of the spreadsheet I provide, complete the puzzle, enter the Pokemon's information, and DM me the link on Discord or Smogon. DO NOT POST YOUR SUBMISSIONS IN THE THREAD! I do not want your submissions to affect each other.
  • After one week, I will post all the submissions (with names attached) I received in the thread and voting will begin. Vote for 3 submissions from each set in order, as votes are weighted. The submissions with the most votes from each set will be added to the meta.
  • As for the points, the points earned from each submission will be added together. The winners of the vote will receive 10 points per winner. Whoever earns the most points each slate will win that slate (I'm still working out what the prize is, I'm considering a small sum of money so look out for that :D).


bzzzzzt-"hole in reality"-bzzzzzzzt-"readings match those of the Al"-bzzzzt-"incident. Unprecedented in Pald-"
krrrrrrrt! -"something's coming through SOMETHING'S COMING THRO-" -brrrrrrrrrrrrrr click.

Premise: The Ultra Beasts invade Paldea, chaos ensues.

Explanation: Beasts of Paldea involves introducing the Ultra Beasts, one of Generation 7's most notable groups of Pokemon, into Generation 9. Each slate will feature a new prompt, be it altering existing Ultra Beasts, making new ones, or making new paradox forms or members of evo lines for existing beasts. Generally, the mod is aimed to be an extension of Gen 9 OU, potentially leaking into other tiers.

Beasts of Paldea slightly modifies the general mechanical traits of Ultra Beasts from their appearance in generation 7. Instead of having Beast Boost as their primary ability, Ultra Beasts will have it as a hidden ability, with new primary abilities given to returning beasts as part of the process.

Submissions will vary slightly based on the current slate, but generally will follow the template below:
Original Ultra Beast:
The Ultra Beast's proper name.
Codename: The Ultra Beast's codename (UB-01 Symbiont, UB-04 Blade, etc.)
Evolution Line: The Ultra Beast's full evolution line, if it has one.
Type: The Ultra Beast's typing
Base Stats: The Ultra Beast's individual stats and base stat total. Ultra Beast stats should all be prime numbers, and as of USUM most have
Ability: The Ultra Beast's primary ability or abilities.
Movepool: Notable moves the Ultra Beast knows. Can have a fully fleshed out movepool or simply what's needed for competitive play.
Role: The Ultra Beast's role in competitive (Pivot, wall, sweeper, etc.) as well as a description of how it fulfills its role.
Flavor: The Ultra Beast's appearance, general concept, and lore.

Form of an Ultra Beast:
The Ultra Beast's proper name, with the form's naming conventions if applicable.
Codename: The Ultra Beast's codename (UB-01 Symbiont, UB-04 Blade, etc.)
Source: The original Ultra Beast which this is a form of.
Type: The Ultra Beast's typing
Base Stats: The Ultra Beast's individual stats and base stat total. Ultra Beast stats should all be prime numbers, and as of USUM most have
Ability: The Ultra Beast's primary ability or abilities.
Movepool Changes: Note all major changes to the Ultra Beast's movepool here.
Role: The Ultra Beast's role in competitive (Pivot, wall, sweeper, etc.) as well as a description of how it fulfills its role.
Flavor: The Ultra Beast's appearance, general concept, and lore.

Miscellaneous: For the purposes of Beasts of Paldea, the members of the "light trio" (Cosmog, Cosmoem, Sogaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma) will be considered Ultra Beasts, but in a manner similarly to Koraidon and Miraidon's status as paradox pokemon.
Premise: A Clean Slate-style micrometa where we make adjustments to Pokemon using restrictions set by a sudoku board.
A fascinating concept and a fun puzzle in and of itself to find what you want to prioritize / sacrifice to complete the puzzle that is your suggested changes. That said, I think giving people one free omission isn't needed and provides another layer of choice which, imo, isn't warranted with how complex the process already is.

Also for a theoretical post/thread, I think the example images could do with some cleanup/clearer explanations of each quadrant. Its understandable as is, but I think it is liable to scare of some people before they read - which is a shame due to the fun concept.
Pretty sure that some SudoKoodo would actually be completely impossible without the 1 free omission, or they'd be incredibly limiting. The omission is practically needed if things like this were to happen too.
From what I've read there are around, like, 240 valid combinations for a 2x2 sudoku. That said, a large number of them are structured the same just with a different rotation (ie, a puzzle where 1 is the top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right and another where 4 is in the same position) so the possibilities are a fair bit smaller. Though personally I would suggest that if we're asking people to solve a puzzle for their pokemon - giving them a smaller number of possibilities to try and figure out might be beneficial. I do understand where you're coming from with providing more freedom, just something to be considered.
This is my first time posting in this thread so I am a bit nervous... but here goes nothing!

After watching MandJTV's recent video about combining the Rock and Ground types into the Earth type, I thought it could be a concept that could be expanded on further.

Pet Mod Name: Typecast (came back to edit this name I think I like it better)
Pet Mod Concept: This Mod works to reshape the type chart by combining types, splitting types, renaming types, and possibly even making new types.
Explanation: Each phase of the Mod would go as follows:
0) Choose what the new type would be, and what type(s) it came from. This would be decided by council (with input from the community), not necessarily voted upon.
1) Design the type chart. Submissions would be made for what this type should be able to do Offensively/Defensively, and the community would then vote on which one would be applied. These changes would also include more than just weaknesses/resistances, but also include other interactions, such as how the Flying type is immune to grounded hazards, or how the Electric type is immune to paralysis.
2) Redesign some Pokemon. Any time a type is changed, a number of Pokemon will be having their types adjusted. This slate will allow submissions for some of these changed Pokemon to get new secondary types, updated movepools, and adjusted abilities. This slate would also allow some Pokemon to gain this new type as a secondary type (especially if this is a brand new type). A handful of the submissions would win the support of the people and added to the mod.
3) New moves. Some of these newly created types will need some moves, especially if the type is fresh with nothing else attached to it. This is a chance for moves to be created of this type and distributed to some of the Pokemon.
4) Playtest. Is this new type balanced on paper, but the adjustments make another type very strong or very bad? We adjust accordingly, giving that type its own little slate for players to repeat Step 1 (and possibly steps 2 or 3) to adjust. Rinse and repeat all of these steps until we have a new type chart that still manages to be balanced and competitive to use.

I think this is all of my thoughts for this one. Hopefully this falls within the scope of what PetMods can do?
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This is my first time posting in this thread so I am a bit nervous... but here goes nothing!

Pet Mod Name: Retyping (I can probably come up with a better name but we will see)
Pet Mod Concept: This Mod works to reshape the type chart by combining types, splitting types, renaming types, and possibly even making new types.
Heya! Regarding your question about scope, this is well within the bounds of what can be done with a pet mod. Type chart readjustments and such.

With regards to your submission post, the concept seems fun! My only thought is that it would be good to either narrow down or provide examples for move/ability changes/additions that would come with the type. That said, the concept seems easy to understand and broadly appealing to contribute to at least to me.
Pet Mod Name: Dnamons, Meshmons, Splicemons
Pet Mod Concept: Make 3 fakemon, choose one out of the three for the other two to splice with.
Explanation: I got the idea for this mod from how kyurem, zekrom, and reshiram fuse with each other to make different formes. Each slate, people will be prompted to make three fakemon and make one the centerpiece of the fusion out of the three mons similar to how kyurem is the centerpiece between the kyurem-black and kyurem-white fusions. The meta will be sv ou based and have completely fakemon dex. Custom elements will be allowed but restricted (One sig move per each fusion and possibly a custom ability). Thats all for the summary of the mod let me know if you have any questions or critiques whether it be here or on discord.
Had a funny joke idea that ended up being pretty cool actually, so I thought I'd share it here and get opinions

:goldeen:Hide And Seaking:goldeen:

Concept: Submitters add changes to anything in OU all at once without telling each other, then they try to find each other's changes. Last changes found get added permanently!
Explanation: Slates will be split into two phases. In the first phase, the Hiding Phase, each submitter will privately submit a single change (either to a Pokemon (stats, movepool, abilities), a move (base power, effect, etc.), or an ability). Changes must actively benefit at least one Pokemon (at the discretion of the mod leader), or they won't be considered. These changes will then be "hidden", where they will all be coded at the same time. The second phase will be Seeking, where contributors will search for these changes and submit any they discover (likely using a Google Form). Once all but three changes have been found, those changes will be added to the mod permanently, and the next slate can begin.

I'll definitely need a fairly competent coder on board before I submit this, as 'customs' will be allowed and descriptions will need to be changed.
Other than that, is there anything yall think I missed? Any feedback on this concept would be greatly appreciated!​
I'm curious about the limitations on custom elements. One signature move per fusion seems reasonable, but restricting custom abilities entirely might limit creativity. Perhaps a cap on the number of custom abilities per fusion could be considered.
technically shouldnt be a custom ability considering kyurem-black and white uses the ability of zekrom and reshiram respectively. hence the possibility of allowing a custom ability. Although, the more i think about i'll probably just make it two custom sig moves related to how zekrom and reshiram have fusion flare and fusion bolt and maybe a third custom move (specific to the fusions) to emulate freezeshock and freezeburn on both kyurem formes.
Pet Mod Name: Dnamons, Meshmons, Splicemons
Pet Mod Concept: Make 3 fakemon, choose one out of the three for the other two to splice with.
Explanation: I got the idea for this mod from how kyurem, zekrom, and reshiram fuse with each other to make different formes. Each slate, people will be prompted to make three fakemon and make one the centerpiece of the fusion out of the three mons similar to how kyurem is the centerpiece between the kyurem-black and kyurem-white fusions. The meta will be sv ou based and have completely fakemon dex. Custom elements will be allowed but restricted (One sig move per each fusion and possibly a custom ability). Thats all for the summary of the mod let me know if you have any questions or critiques whether it be here or on discord.
Since I always like fusions, I really like this idea, but i think it could be more fun if you detached the submissions of the base fakemon (like Kyurem), from the other two. You could alternate slates for sending bases and slates for sending alternate forms, so that there's more variety, since different people can contribute to the final product. This way, you could also open it up to not only be trios, but even quartets or quintets. You could even have a single mon that can fuse with all of them (or a big group), in an Eevee-like style. People could even submit real mons for the base or for the alternate forms, or maybe regional variants or similar stuff.
Btw, I really hope this becomes real, I just suggest to give as much freedom as possible for submissions, since this can become a really fun thing (especially if all the different parts are effectively viable, not only the fused forms, this could even be a micrometa with only mons that work like this). To limit redundancy or overpowering, I really liked the idea that some mods had of limiting the submissions to some specific roles that lack after the first subs get in.


is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributor
Pet Mod Name: Totem Takeover
Pet Mod Concept: In this [either Gen 7 or Gen 9-based mod, see the Questions section], Totem Pokemon are remade into powerful Paradox-like forms of the Pokemon they originate from and more Totems are added.
Explanation: One of the many fun little things in Gen 7 was the fact that you could collect Totem versions of a select few Pokemon in USUM, which were much bigger than their normal counterparts, a sort of precursor to Alphas in Legends Arceus. While the huge size of these Pokemon was neat, they offered only minor gameplay differences from their original versions (different weight, only 1 available ability, no egg moves) and were thus seldom seen, and then were taken out of the game in Gen 8. So, what if Totems were a bit more interesting?

The concept for this mod comes from a WIP solomod that I have where I did something similar, essentially turning Totem Pokemon into Gen 7's version of Paradox Pokemon, which in turn makes them counterparts to Ultra Beasts. In this mod, all Totems would be changed to have:
- 570 BST (with either all prime number stats (like Ultra Beasts) OR all composite (non-prime) stats (to emphasize the counterpart aspect). Which one we do would be voted on before Slate 1 begins) - The stats of the Totem should stay mostly in line with the original Pokemon stats, though some deviations can be made for balancing or uniqueness. A calculator in a spreadsheet would be provided to help you scale a Pokemon's stats to 570, which gives you a good baseline
- A possible new secondary typing (to differentiate them from their original forms more. Either the primary or secondary type could be replaced by a new type, but the type the mon had previously must be its primary type)
- Movepool buffs
- A new shared hidden ability - would be decided in Slate 1, kinda like the ability slate of Book of Enigmas. Beast Boost would automatically be slated as an option
- A possible new primary ability, which must be one of the original mon's pre-existing abilities - an exception would likely be made for Mimikyu for balancing reasons
Name: Gumshoos-Totem

Abilities: Strong Jaw / Beast Boost
Stats: 113 / 151 / 83 / 79 / 83 / 61 [570 BST] (Gumshoos chosen as the example because its stats scale really naturally to 570)
New Moves: Trick Room, Pain Split, Trick, Play Rough, Psychic, Psycho Cut, Reflect, Light Screen, Psyshock, Psychic Terrain, Amnesia, Role Play, Mirror Coat, Counter, Imprison
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Big wallbreaker with an admittedly bleh typing, either hits super hard with Strong Jaw-boosted STAB Psychic Fangs and coverage, or tries to sweep with Beast Boost in Trick Room
After the ability slate, the original 11 Totem Pokemon would be slated across the first 3-4 slates. Then, more Totems would be added for about 4 or 5 slates (optimally ending up with ~25 Totems total).

- Would be run by a council
- Would have playtesting roomtours after every other slate
- Wouldn't begin until after Ironmons ends, since the mods are somewhat similar
- Customs would be allowed during the ability slate and for moves in all other slates

- Should this mod be based on Gen 7 OU (with the NatDex, Megas, and Z-Moves) or be a Gen 9-based mod using the original Sun/Moon PokeDex (+ the USUM Ultra Beasts, Totems, Zeraora, and S/M Island Scan Encounters) and Terastalization banned? If we went with the latter, should we still allow Z-Moves, just signature Z-Moves, or no Z-Moves at all?
- Is there a better name for this?
Pet Mod Name: Hidden Gems
Pet Mod Concept: In this Gen 9 OU-based metagame, Gems are re-added to the game and now have the added effect of granting a select few Pokemon significant but temporary buffs, much like the ability Battle Bond.
Explanation: Type Gems were a sort of precursor to the recent trend of flashy game-changing mechanics being added to a Pokemon games ever since Gen 6/7 (depending on if you classify Megas as a generational gimmick or more on the level of Ultra Beasts and Paradoxes), essentially being Z-Moves before Z-Moves, with the fact that you have to use them immediately upon using a move of that type being counteracted by the fact that you could use as many of them as you want. Gems were a defining part of Gen 5 OU until they were banned, and then were nerfed and removed in Gen 6, with only Normal Gem still existing in modern gens.

In Hidden Gems, all type gems (including the never released Fairy Gem) would be brought back in Gen 9 (call it a product of Blueberry Academy being in Unova) and made more similar to a modern generational gimmick by adding signature users of them through the Hidden Gems mechanic. The mechanic would be similar to Battle Bond, but instead of being activated after getting a KO, it would be activated by using up a Gem. Additionally, like Battle Bond, the changes only last until the user switches out, so you have to time you Gem activation just right.
Pokémon: The Pokemon you're making the Hidden Gem form for
Gem: Whichever of the 18 pre-existing gems used to activate the Pokemon's Hidden Gem form
Type After Activation: The Pokemon's type after the Hidden Gem activates. The form must retain the user's primary type and they must have the type of their Gem
Ability: The Pokemon's ability after the Hidden Gem activates
Stat Boosts: The stats that get increased after the Hidden Gem activates. The stat boosts can add up to +3 total, with a maximum of +2 in one stat. Stats can't be given a negative boost and you don't have to use all 3 boosts. Be very careful about boosting Speed.
New Moves: New moves the Pokemon learns. Keep in mind that in order to activate a Gem, the Pokemon needs an offensive move of the Gem's type
Removed Moves: Moves removed from the Pokemon's movepool for balancing purposes. Note that removing moves will also remove them from the prevolution's movepool
Competitive Overview: A brief summary of what the Pokemon does in the metagame and why it should be added

Pokémon: Golduck
Gem: Psychic Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Good as Gold
Stats Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpD, +1 Spe
New Moves: Expanding Force, Psychic Terrain
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Makes Golduck into a threatening Nasty Plot sweeper that be Whirlwinded out or stopped by Thunder Wave thanks to Good as Gold and is somewhat difficult to revenge kill because of its high Speed.
There would be 13 slates, to give us 2 Hidden Gem users for each type of Gem + Hidden Gems for one set of starters, giving us 39 Hidden Gem users in total.

- Would be run by a council
- Would have playtesting roomtours after every other slate
- Customs would be allowed for moves and abilities
- A new Gem item, the Stellar Gem, would be added, which would activate on the user's first attack of any type. This gem won't have any Hidden Gem users.

- Should Terastalization be legal? I initially wanted to come up with a Gen 9 mod with the intent of having a metagame based on regular Gen 9 OU with Tera included, as we have very few mods like this (only Banhammers, Ironmons, and OU Theorymons). But, with the Hidden Gems mechanic basically being a second generational gimmick and me knowing how Tera tends to be unpopular in our community, I could definitely understand not wanting Tera in this tier. If Tera is legal, Hidden Gem users would not be able to Terastalize until after their Gem is used up and their transformation ends
- Should the Hidden Gem mechanic be permanent like Mega Evolution? I initially envisioned the mechanic as being permanent, but switched to making it temporary to make it more different to Mega Evolution and giving submitters more room to make Hidden Gem forms stronger, since you're still allowed to use multiple Gems on a team. However, making it permanent like Megas could give submitters more options in the roles that a Hidden Gem mon can have, since making it only active until you switch likely leads to Hidden Gems being almost exclusively offensive.
- Should there be less Hidden Gems users? I found 39 to be a fair number to give multiple options per Gem type, but I could see me going as low as 25 users, given how offensive OU already is how, in a perfect world, every Gem user should be viable.
- Should the stat boosts be changed to raw stat changes, more similar to Mega Evolution or Gen 7 Battle Bond? I went stat stages as it makes the mechanic even more unique from Megas, makes the mechanic easier to understand, plus I wasn't really sure how much of a BST increase should be allowed considering the fact that you can have multiple Gem users. However, raw stat changes would give submitters a lot more options.
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Mossy Sandwich

Gunning for the top
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
Pet Mod Name: X-Factor
Pet Mod Concept: Submission-based realmon micrometa mod where each pokemon has a signature trait to alter their playstyle.
Explanation: Basically think of it as a mix of Clean Slate and last gen's Expansions. You can sub whatever realmon you want with whatever Type, Abilities, Stats and Movepool. However, each pokemon will also have one "X-Factor" that can fit one of three templates:
This is basically an extra Ability that a Pokemon can have and it is active at all times, regardless of which ability the Pokemon has selected. Here's an example:

In this case, Toxapex can choose between Merciless, Limber or Regenerator as its abilities. However, I can decide to give it an Ability-Factor named Toxic Spines which gives it a 30% chance to badly poison the opponent if you hit them with a contact move or if they damage you with a contact move. In this case, you can still choose between the three abilities listed above, but on top of those abilities, Toxic Spines will always be active. The Ability-Factor must be a custom ability.
A Form Change Factor is a once-per battle (for this pokemon) toggleable form change that lasts one turn. This form change can increase the Pokemon's BST by up to 150, but it cannot decrease any stats. It can change one of the Pokemon's types and can also change its ability. Basically, think of it as a one-turn Mega-Evolution that doesn't require an item. Keep in mind it may be less powerful than a Mega-Evolution due to its short length, but with 6 Pokemon on each team being able to use their X-Factor, that does not mean it should try to make up for it in a major way compared to Mega-Evolutions.
A Super Move is a 1PP move that the Pokemon will always have in its moveset and will act as a 5th move, meaning you can use 4 other moves as you would any regular pokemon with this Super Move adding itself in during the battle. This move cannot be restored by Leppa Berry (or I could just ban Leppa Berry) and must be a custom move. Basically, this is lifted straight from Expansions, so you can go take a look at that thread if you want examples.
Miscellaneous: The idea is to have 1 permanent option and 2 toggleable options that can be best for different playstyles. More offensive Pokemon will prefer a more aggressive approach with a Form Change or a Super Move while more defensive ones will appreciate the constant support of an Ability-Factor, though all three of those can be valuable for the other playstyle. In general, X-Factors should change the way games in this mod are played.
I still have yet to reach the 15 post requirement to submit this idea but I have another Idea for a Pet Mod/Solomod that would share.

Pet Mod Name: Pokémon Star Scarlet and Pokémon Star Violet
Pet Mod Concept: How would the Stat changes, new Fakemon, and Ultra Forms from Pokémon Star effect the Gen 9 OU Metagame
Explaination: Gen 9 OU that adds the Ultra Forms from the ROM Hack Pokémon Star and includes the BST Nerfs to the Legendary Pokémon, Mythicals, and Ultra Beasts. There will be submissions for Paradox Pokémon and Legendary Pokémon BST Nerfs and Paldean Starter Ultra Evolution Typings and Abilities. The Mythicals from Gen 8+ and Paradox Pokémon (minus Koraidon and Miraidon) will also receive BST Nerfs and Ability Changes. Pokémon in a group with one Pokémon that has had a nerf will also be nerfed.

Example: :Entei: was Nerfed to 400 BST, while Suicune and Raikou weren't. Therefore Suicune and Raikou will be nerfed to 400 BST.

Ultra Evolutions
Pokémon Star introduced Ultra Evolutions for the Litten, Rowlet, and Popplio Lines. For the first two stages, these were simply just them with a stat rearragement (-20 in the Weakest attacking stat and +20 in a stat, 2nd Stage doesn't have a stat rearrangement) and always had their hidden ability. The final evolution keeps the stat rearrangement (which is taking 40 from the Lowest attacking Stat and putting 20 in other stats (except for the Rowlet Line)), but the final evolution in the Line, it gets 5 different forms. An -X, -Y, -Z, -EX, and -SP forms. These give the Pokémon a new typing and new non Hidden Ability (For example, Incineroar-X is Fire/Grass and gets Drought). The Paldean Starters and Their Evolution will receive Ultra Evolutions, and the final evolutions will get an -X, -Y, -Z, -EX, and -SP form.

Example Submissions
Stat Rearrangement: 40/81/54/25/45/65

New Typing: Grass/Fairy
Stat Rearrangement: 76/130/70/45/70/143
New Abiltities: Misty Surge/Contrary

:Iron Crown:
Stat Nerf: 88/50/88/100/96/98 (500 BST)
New Ability: Sharpness

Feedback is appreciated.
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