New profile posts

Hey. Monocolor R4, GMT+2, can you play or tomorrow whenever ? If you can't, I can on Sunday evening.
Hello, we play for advpl. Im gmt+2, available anytime any day other than weekends, lmk whens best!
Question about DS open: When does the tournament start?
Chains of Markov
Chains of Markov
Signups will be open for a week, and then the first round will be posted on Monday the 13th. From there it's one week per round
Hello, 1v1 Swiss, I'm +1. I can't do weekends but broadly free anytime between tomorrow and Friday. How about Thursday 11am GMT? Should be 9pm your time.
That sounds really good, ill see you then
open, gmt +9 going on a trip friday-monday so needs to be before then or extension, preferably night time or evening
Hey when lc open -4
Friday 9pm gmt +2?
Could you do like 10:30pm? Or same time on the weekend?
hey when do you wanna play for battle factory open? any time weekend would be best for me i'm gmt +1
Hey when play for sm open? I'm GMT +2 and can do tonight and the weekend (either of Thursday or Friday too probably but that depends on a meeting I'm awaiting an answer on)
hello we're paired up for mspl im gmt +3, free mostly after 8pm every day ,except for today