Finals The World Cup of Pokémon 2019 - Finals [Won by Team US West]

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satan saves xmas
is a Pre-Contributoris a Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
RUPL Champion
great run my boys, maybe next year we'll win it

vamo ganha eh porra nenhuma, ja demo uma puta sorte de chegar na final sendo que era pra termos perdido na primeira fase ja. Vao toma no cu porque esse time nunca mais vencera esse torneio. Parabens a todos nos por sermos MEDIOCRES



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What a ride, shoutout to my boys for carrying my low-tier-playing ass in this. Definitely the best team tour experience I've ever had on site and all of you guys are, in my humble cheerleader opinion, the goats in your respective tiers (except our oras slot :cwl:). Till next time!

also free the blue for Lavos too :mad:
Yo, I'm usually on the "do not write shoutouts if you did not win the tour" train, but this tour was kinda special so I'm going against myself here and will do so (but with the relevant part being in portuguese, because I definitely want to flame some people and I, by far, do it better in portuguese, so feel free to translate it if you want).

Anyway, everybody has been following me as player for more than 2 years now, and even if I had one of the most dominant runs at team tours in this generation (even at any tours in general since I made a strong OLT run last year too), you all might have noticed that my scores have been way worse lately than it was in the past along a colder playing level too, even if I didnt finish negative in anything after my first snake run, and it has a lot to do with the amount of time that ive spent praticing and building during these past few months. I still like the game and all, but I might take a break as a tours player since I've been way more focused irl lately and I do not have the same gas as I used to have to actually do well again in a near future. But even with it all, I came back to my full tryhard mode into this finals and worked as hard as I've not done in any recent tournament, and I definitely wanted that all this effort had paid off in the end but we still managed to make another pitful SM OU record, and as Tama and I expected, we surely would lose if it happened in this finals, so well the loss was really much deserved. I was looking forward to play lax in a possible last tie break now tho, and to be honest, we woulda been favored, but ALAS thats it. I'm not that disappointed right now since I really gave all I could as both player and team mate, but we surely can learn with some mistakes we made this year and come back stronger in the future. Our team was really cool to be in this year anyhow, a lot of us were pretty close since the start and the amount of memes, shittalking and emojis spammed the whole time really made the chat enjoyable as whole (even with some braindead people like Sand Castle being as retarded as possible every possible time [btw me and tama barely have 26k lines in our chat together, and yes, we are PRETTY active there, but this user alone had 30k lines, so you can lowkey imagine what I had to deal with]). Next year will be our year my boys.

Thank you ABR for joining our chat during the finals, even if your SM OU teams finished 0-3. Your help was ridiculously big, and even if we inted there, you gave some strong opinions in BW iirc, and we got the perfect matchup for that game, so I actually appreciate all your efforts. I hope we get to team up together in the future, you are a better chat presence than I thought.

Thank you TheAprilFool for your help in SM OU/ORAS OU during the first phases as well, I am pretty sure you should be in our lineup and you woulda contribuited A LOT in our SM slots as player since I find you a strong one, but the things you have made in the past definitely made the team a bit worried about having you. I hope you keep active to possibly play with us next year, you will be a great addition for sure. Also, thanks to the brazilian community too, you were always there cheering and rooting for us every single game and it surely helped us.

Thank you Sogeking for trolling us in the finals LOLOLOLOLOLOL you are my idol, that was incredibly funny. I wish we had you playing atm, we prob wouldve won this tour with you.

Last (but not least), the shoutouts:

Macacos velhos (aka a panela):
Destiny Device Royal Flush - Obrigado por serem relativamente ativos, vocês não jogam mais mas definitivamente merecem nosso reconhecimento por tudo o que já fizeram pelo baril durante todos esses anos. Ano que vem, no que depender de mim, vocês serão carregados de novo.

elodin - No início você tava bem hypeado pra capitanear comigo e por alguma razão acabou broxando em relação a ocupar essa posição de fato, por razões que eu não sei, mas não importa anyway porque você opinou ativamente em tudo mesmo :shurg:
Fico feliz que tenhamos ficado próximos irmão, espero que ano que vem a gente continue hypeado e faça escolhas melhores overall, porque definitivamente erramos em algo pra perder uma final dessas LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Parabéns por ter sido sólido como jogador também, definitivamente seu sucesso e atividade como team mate foram cruciais pra nossa run positiva nesse torneio. Parabéns por ser o herói que a gente precisa mas não merece btw, essa carta armadilha na cara do Lavos foi um INT COMPLETO mas LMFAO eu fico diariamente orgulhoso da sua capacidade em ser câncer.

Tamahome Nintendi - Vocês são os meus jogadores preferidos desse site, eu odeio quando eu preciso jogar team tour sem vocês porque eu sinto que a nossa química é gigantesca e a gente sempre dá um jeito de vencer em conjunto quando precisa. Nessa final, 2/3 vitórias foram conquistadas, mas infelizmente não foram o suficiente. Mesmo assim, fico feliz que tenhamos tido a oportunidade de jogar juntos de novo, e espero que isso se repita em um futuro próximo (dessa vez comigo como manager por favor, não aguento mais jogar team tour na minha vida). Parabéns pela bela execução de ambos, em especial meu menino que voltou a dominar ORAS OU como se fosse o playground que ele frequenta irl.

KratosMana - Cara, você é um ótimo jogador e team mate, mesmo que meio câncer às vezes. Meu ego é gigantesco e você sempre tá por perto pra deixar claro que eu não sou o único brasileiro dominando SM de alguma forma, isso é louvável e eu tenho essa "rivalidade" (acho que posso chamar assim, mesmo que você não dê meia foda pra isso imo) dentro de mim e ter você do meu lado foi uma experiência muito positiva. Acho que você podia ter se esforçado um pouco mais pelo time em momentos cruciais, e podia tomar mais cuidado com escolhas de time porque você não precisa de nada além de um time sólido pra vencer, você é ótimo... Foca em usar as melhores opções possíveis ao invés de Meloetta e Ditto por favor, me dói na alma te ver perder por causa de time ruim. Also, cuida da sua ansiedade, conversamos um pouco sobre isso e a partir de agora fique à vontade pra conversar comigo sempre que quiser sobre qualquer coisa (mesmo que você provavelmente não faça), e o mesmo vale pro jogo (mesmo que, de novo, você não faça por preferir seu jerk patético ao MAGO DO POKEMON BRASILEIRO).

HANTSUKI - Obrigado por se esforçar, você com certeza não tem a mesma vontade de jogar mas visivelmente fez o que pode toda vez que a gente precisou, e sua presença como liderança é sempre bem vinda. Beba água idiota.

Century Express - Você tem o costume de se cobrar demais, cuidado com isso amigo. Como jogador e team mate, você é um dos melhores com quem eu já tive o prazer de dividir equipes, e com certeza ficaria feliz de fazer de novo e de novo, o máximo que puder. Parabéns pelo torneio positivo, trouxe várias vitórias cruciais e era bem difícil ver você perder, porque você se esforçava como poucos pelo sucesso do time.

Povo do bos:

Sand Castle - Eu gosto de você como jogador, no que dependesse de mim você teria jogado SM OU na final, mas eu não opino sozinho em situações assim mesmo sendo capitão... Te acho uma adição ótima pro time no geral, mas definitivamente detesto sua presença em chat, você é ridiculamente insuportável, intragável e eu estou feliz que você vá quitar do chat por um tempo como sempre faz depois de wcop, porque eu NÃO TE SUPORTO MAIS.

lighthouses - Você é um ótimo amigo, e eu gosto de você como jogador quando você se esforça, com certeza jogaria outros torneios com você. Porém tem algo que me incomoda: você se esquenta por qualquer coisa com muita facilidade, e não tem filtro pra dizer o que pensa. Me incomodou um pouco certas situações em que pouca coisa virou um tumulto ou quando você dizia "não vejo a hora do torneio terminar pra eu quitar daqui logo". Você disse que não pretende entrar em próximos torneios de time, e eu realmente sugiro que você dê esse tempo porque eu acho que eles te fazem meio mal (e eu quero te ver bem, porque eu adoro você), mas espero que volte em um futuro próximo, mais confiante, com mais vontade de vencer e com mais tranquilidade e paciência com seus team mates.

Luigi aka a famigerada MOITA - Eu sempre escolho um jogador pra ser meio que o bode expiatório, senti que tinha liberdade o suficiente com você pra trocar ofensas e fiz, adoro ser câncer. Gosto de você, como pessoa e como presença de chat em geral, mas sua preguiça, falta de saco, falta de iniciativa pelo time e excesso de falatório (enquanto não venceu por nós quando precisávamos) me incomodaram bastante, além do fato de jogar todo o meu esforço no lixo quando o ABR entrou no chat. Não adianta nada ter um vencedor de tour na lineup se o mesmo não tá nem aí pra nada, e só perde. Espero que você mude em próximas experiências, mas no geral eu continuo gostando de você, mesmo que você seja ruim pra cacete como team mate e um jogador lowkey questionável.

Askov - Você teve a chance de startar duas vezes, e nas duas me mostrou que você ainda não tá pronto pro big stage. Você é um jogador bem competente, mas precisa ter mais vontade de vencer e criar auto-confiança meu querido, é disso que a gente precisa nessas horas. Tenho certeza que você jogando com seu full potential/confidence poderia ter feito diferença nessa final. Apesar disso, você foi o sub mais valioso do time, jogou feito o viciado que de fato é durante todos esses meses e até teve que aturar meus rages esporádicos de quando eu sou ownado e não gosto de admitir por ter ego inflado. Trabalha nisso e eu tenho certeza que ano que vem você será um jogador chave pro nosso time ser campeão.

mncmt - Lek, que merda foi essa KKKKKKK. Você foi de um dos jogadores mais confiáveis do time pra um sub que praticamente ninguém acreditava mais, aqueles jogos foram ridículos. Mesmo assim, eu sou um dos únicos que ainda tem fé em você, tanto que insisti minimamente pra você jogar a final, mas nem tinha como te defender. Ano que vem quero te ver vencendo de novo idiota.

Hyogafodex - Eu te admiro bastante como jogador, principalmente porque você é daqueles que eu tinha um ranço completo como jogador e, com o tempo, conquistaram meu respeito. Isso eu valorizo demais. Parabéns pelo bom torneio e bom, o choke da final foi crucial sim, mas não fique se cobrando demais por isso, acontece com qualquer um, e além de bom jogador você foi um ótimo team mate também. Espero ter a chance de jogar uma SPL com você no meu time.

Rewer - Você é um fofo amigo. Eu sou sincero dizendo que, em certo ponto, você não me passava tanta confiança, mais pela sua atitude mesmo. De qualquer forma eu sempre soube que você era bom o suficiente pra startar e fico feliz que você tenha provado pra, além das outras pessoas, você mesmo que você é capaz. Obrigado pelo seu esforço nos playoffs e parabéns pela win dominante da final.

Caetano93 - Como o hyoga, você meio que conquistou a minha simpatia, então tenha certeza que meu respeito por você é grande atm. Parabéns pelo torneio positivo, você tem MUITO o que aprender, mas pra primeira aparição no big stage você foi além das expectativas e com certeza foi uma bela aquisição pra panela. Tenta focar um pouco mais no seu gameplan, especialmente se você continuar em RBY, porque isso é um ponto que você deixou um pouco a desejar em vários momentos. Espero ver você jogando em outras gens pra criar experiência, RBY é uma puta terra de ninguém e a gente precisa de jogador de BW :bos:

No geral: adorei capitanear e jogar com vocês, me desculpem por ter me entregado pela metade durante o torneio no geral e espero ter me redimido nessa final com a win + força de vontade que tive (que pra ser honesto foi onde a gente mais precisava, então foda-se se vocês acham que nao foi o suficiente, porque foi sim e eu deixei de comer uns 5 rapazes só pra tentar ganhar um píxel no meu perfil que eu acabei nem conseguindo no fim das contas). Obrigado pelas risadas, momentos de divertimento e pelos momentos de vibração, nosso time ficou bem unido e foi uma experiência bem única pra mim. Espero que na próxima a gente consiga o troféu pra coroar o castelo de merda que é o nosso time.
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is a Member of Senior Staffis a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
Tiering Lead
i think if someone told me at the start of the year i would win wcop with west and starting in rby, i probably would have thought they were insane as i didnt play rby and was still on not great terms with west. however im glad we were able to make up and playing rby was actually really fun. glad we were able to finish what we’ve been building up to the past few years with our new “generation” of west that started in 2016.

shoutouts to Amaranth and Heroic Troller for basically spoon feeding me teams and helping me out after groups a ton. also shoutouts to the people i made play hundreds of games ABR teal6 @starmaster. dont think i would have been able to pick up rby so fast if it wasnt for playing so many games with you guys. and shoutouts Eternally for being useless as usual.


beware of coco
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Congrats, you all guys impressed the world with your impressive performance.
I wanna also congrats to Lax, one of the best player I ever seen in my life. Since we played our ADV match for the DPL, I was really schoked by your game-plan and your plays. You are truly amazing, man.
I think it's not right that Lavos does not get the trophy; he helped the team a lot before getting banned with his wins. He deserves the trophy and maybe this rule should be changed.

Anyway, gratz Brazil as well for the impressive run


is a Tiering Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
first i'd like to congrats west, you guys were superior in this series.

really upset with how we came that far and didn't get the trophy, but was a really fun tournament (prob the most enjoyable i've ever been part of), would like to thank the opportunity of being part of this amazing roster, and kinda wish i had the guts to start when we needed to.

looking forward for the next wcop, see y'all
Shoutout to the homie lax for keeping the lax-munchlax family name in high esteem so proud of you

Congrats to all of West for an incredible run and also well done by Brazil for a really solid and entertaining performance throughout the tournament

Oh my God did a guy named Blarghlfarghl really win something?


Banned deucer.

i had a blast this tournament. it was a pleasure to (try and) help rope the team together, even if we were unsuccessful in some regards (psychicmewtwo yjh971203). as always the meetup was a fun part of the tour for me..... as ben said it's hard to know where to start.....

i'm thankful to be a part of this team. everybody trusts each other to do the best they can. nobody is overly rude or tries to get their way at the expense of another. we listen to each other, we take reasonable input and suggestions, we do our best to help each other. West has a certain tenacity. when an individual makes a mistake, the rest of the team is there to make up for it. i'm grateful to have been able to draw from this, after losing a huge game in pools and personally spiraling the team into tiebreaks. but i'm glad to have contributed hard fought wins to help us get to that point. i'm thankful the team trusted me, and I'm happy to have put trust in the rest of the team.

z0mOG you're amazing. you do remind me of myself starting out on the website. but you're more successful than i ever was - a better leader. you have an ability to find the humor in any situation. you're always around and there to help. you're not incredibly self-involved and you don't toot your own horn - you don't let your ego get in the way. you have a joy of figuring things out and doing things in your own way. you have a natural ability to take on and handle responsibility. you can make decisions with all the variables in mind - no matter how dark some of those variables can be. you are and always will be a strong leader - for the community and any team you find yourself on. you have an interest in the history of tournaments, and you have contributed to that history yourself now (again). I have a lot of respect for you and I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Lavos i've known you since we bumped into each other on the Pokemon Online ladder. i remember breaking into tournaments around the same time as you, I remember spamming Genesect Duggy Rain when you were spamming Genesect Duggy Sun. you've accomplished so much more than me over the years. you've developed complete mastery of the game. you've defeated most of the all time greatest players in their own tiers. meeting you in person was an absolute treat, you're a super down to earth guy. this post-tournament drama has me livid. you're one of the players that deserves this trophy the most. you're the best player on the website, and I have a strong feeling this will not be the end.

Philip7086 you're an absolute legend. you're a veteran. meeting you was humbling phil. you're an exemplary person, not only in this community but also in life. you have your shit figured out, probably more than the rest of us, and you're able to use that as a way to help lead and guide others. thank you so much for contributing to West and seeing us at the meetup. congratulations on all of your recent success - in game, and elsewhere. you’re one of the most consistent DPP players of all time, and clutched for us time and time again. your games against East in particular, I feel, are something to be extremely proud of and cement you as one of the best to ever do it.

undisputed Kevin SWOLE :swole: What a beast! One of the few to have been to both Westcons.. We've known each other for a long time. You were on my first tournament team (SPL 4 BIGs .. !!). I loved your reference earlier in the season to our BW suspect test ladder games .. I specifically remember how hard your Tentacruel was to kill then. I've been trying to win a smogon trophy for all these years now, it feels surreal to finally win one. It's a pleasure to win alongside you. Undi, you carried us magnificently. Our tournament came down to your tiebreaker game against South, and I wasn't worried about it then. You're an absolute animal. You're a beast, you're a savage. You're the best ADV player on the site.

Oristeros i definitely had mixed feelings about you in the beginning. your addition to the roster was last minute, and I was weary about moving lax out of bw after a solid performance last year. but after hearing that you were old friends with hugo, and meeting you in SF, a lot of my worries were eased. you're one of the few on the roster that have won both years West has made it. you holding down bw opened up lax to play and carry in another tier. you nabbed crucial wins that we would not have qualified the playoffs without. admittedly I didn't get to know you this year. we had a plethora of bw support and I had the feeling the help you got from lavos and z0mog would be more accurate and sturdy than my suggestions. bw is a very volatile and specialized tier. i think you did a fantastic job of picking the metagame back up. you have a good understanding of gamestates. I hope that you will stick around the tournament scene, and I hope to get to know you better in the future.

craing ;_; Ben Gay. of all the people i've played over the years, no one has had my number quite like you. i've always been able to take a game or two off of people, no matter who they are. not you man. i remember sitting there, challenging you game after game, just to lose one after the next. you are and always will be a better player than me. you have such a deep understanding of the game and all of the possible gamestates moving forward. that allows you to thread incredible plays together - plays that no one else would consider. this allows you to leap ahead in matchups were you should lose. but it can also bite you if your opponent does not play accordingly. this is why you also change your gameplan based on how good your opponent is. you take so many factors like this into consideration that most people don't even know to think about. you think about the nature of the game you're going to go into - the opponent, the time, the day, the scheduling, the tournament scenario. pokemon they've used in the past, pokemon they haven't used in the past. these are just the obvious things .. you take every external factor surrounding a game and find a way to use it to your advantage. you have a deeeeeeeep understanding of pokemon as a whole and the current metagames. nobody alive has such an extensive framework of the tiers burned into their minds. this allows you to build any sort of team you want, using whatever crazy, offbeat pokemon you can think of. because you're going to cover the general metagame as best you can regardless of what it is you're using. or, whatever you expect out of a specific matchup. this makes you truly unique. it is important for you to have other people to help you direct this, though. otherwise you're likely to go too far off and lose your grounding in reality. ben, you're such a strong consistent player. making it to the finals of OST twice is so freaking ridiculous man. i made it once and couldn't imagine making it again. this demonstrates unparalleled consistency. you built the heavy majority of our SM teams, and they all worked out. thank you for giving so much of yourself to the team. you're an extremely unique individual and it was awesome to meet you. i'm sure we'll have the opportunity to do so again in the future. cheers dude.

lax LAX ON RAX ON STAX. We're looking at a god damn CHAMPION here. Lax, it's embarrassing for me dude, our relationship started out on the wrong foot. I was one of the people that didn't want you on West three~ years ago. I'm looking all types of foolish now. You've been chill to hang out with, we've had good times in SF. I'm not sure at what point it was but you overtook me in CG OU man. In the test game we played this year you blew me back. You have such an aggressive, but somehow methodical style when you play. It's honestly just a pleasure to watch you safely, but still dominantly, overpower your opponents. You're the most dominant SM OU player on the website - I'm gunna go ahead and say Lax Top 1 SM OU.

blarghlfarghl One thing I noticed about you is that you can hold your own in any situation. In general chats, no matter how rude people are to you, or how much they poke you, you always manage to construct a good comeback on the spot. Noticing this helped me realize that you're totally fine on your own. As troll as you are, as loud as you can be, you're good at pokemon. You're self-sustaining. You have your own unique approach to the game. You're confident in your approach and you're confident in yourself. It was awesome to team with you again blargh and you're a big part of the New West. i'm glad we all came together and you did an amazing job in the playoffs. i hope that you can make it to the next meetup, it would be awesome to meet you.

rozes Man i was SO skeptical to see you come back to the team. i wasn't a West member during the whole ghosting scandal, and I thought bringing you back would be bad juju. But it was nice to meetup with you in SF. I learned a lot about you then.. You're an amazing planner, and you definitely stick to the schedule. Thank you for your hospitality and taking us around in SF. It was great to have you back this year. Thank you for carrying us in the scouting department. Thank you for putting so much time and energy into testing and learning rby. You being practiced and in-tune with the metagame paid off huge for us in the finals.

Meru It was awesome to meet you. You've got your shit together. Driving up to SF was a blast .. Going 30+ the speedlimit + EDM = Great Fun. I've always been a lowkey fan of you Meru. You've always been a consistent player. i still remember that BW sand team you spammed .. i actually stole that Aromaticity RMT layout for use in my Zard-Y RMT.. I've never seen a better format for any RMT in my life. When rozes was having a hard time in the tier I was kinda wondering why you weren't starting.. You had a solid wcop last year and a deep RBY Cup run recently. I think it was kind of unfair to sub you into ORAS with such little preparation. I give you a lot of credit for showing up that game and giving it your all. pretty sure non-pm2 ORAS is just cursed.

ima i loved seeing you give input in a lot of the channels. i'll always remember that moment last year where you played our last game of groups. it was a 100% needed win to make it through to playoffs. with our tournament life on the line, a gave you a paste, and you went on to crush your opponent. it was so hype to watch that and then continue on in the tournament. it's hard to come out ontop in every moment like that. i personally believe oras was just cursed this year - calling it curse of pm2. it was awesome to talk to you this year about your feelings when finishing nisekoi .. you've got exceptionally good taste and I hope we can connect more in the future

Mithril the man. one of the few to be on both winning iterations of West. a gatekeeper, level-headed.. thank you for continuing to lead us year after year. GO WEST! come to meetup

Shiba shiba! you were pretty active in chat actually. more-so than others in your position in previous years. as helpful and friendly as you could have been.. fun to have you around.. come to meetup

Zepherox thank you for stepping onto the big stage when we needed you most. don't know much about you .. come to meetup

imsosorrylol thank you for popping in (now and again) to offer teams and a fresh perspective on our SM OU builds. thanks for sharing some of your music. you sound like a trippy dude sooo I hope you're able to make it to a meetup

emforbes congrats!

Thank you to everyone who supported and cheered for US West along the way. Thank you to everyone who helped us with test games and building. I'm thankful to have been able to contribute to US West throughout the years, and I look forward to more team tournaments in the future.

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i had a blast this tournament. it was a pleasure to (try and) help rope the team together, even if we were unsuccessful in some regards (psychicmewtwo yjh971203). as always the meetup was a fun part of the tour for me..... as ben said it's hard to know where to start.....

i'm very thankful to be a part of this team. everybody trusts the other to do what they can, the best they can. nobody is overly rude or tries to get their way at the expense of another. we listen to each other, we take reasonable input and suggestions, we do our best to help each other, and we trust in ourselves when we think we know what's right. West has a certain tenacity. even when individual mistakes are made, the rest of the team is there to make up for it. i'm grateful to have been able to draw from this, after losing a huge game in pools and personally spiraling the team into tiebreaks. but i'm also glad to have contributed hard fought wins to help us get to that point. i'm thankful the team trusted me, and I'm happy to have put trust in the rest of the team. no matter how bleak things looked, we gassed each other up and looked for the brighter outcomes.

z0mOG you're amazing. not to belittle you or try to attribute myself to you, but you do remind me of myself starting out on the website. you're more successful than i ever was - and a better leader. you have an awesome ability to find the humor in any situation. you're always around and there to help. you're not incredibly self-involved and you don't toot your own horn - you don't let your ego get in the way. you have a joy of figuring things out and doing things in your own way. you have a natural ability to take on handle and handle responsibility. you can make decisions with all the variables in mind - no matter how dark some of those variables can be. you are and always will be a strong leader - for the community and any team you find yourself on. you have an interest in the history of tournaments, and you have contributed to that history yourself now. I have a lot of respect for you ryan and I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Lavos i've known you since we bumped into each other on the Pokemon Online ladder. i remember breaking into tournaments around the same time as you, I remember spamming Genesect Duggy Rain when you were spamming Genesect Duggy Sun. how embarrassing it is for me to be here with you now. you've accomplished so much more than me over the years. you've accomplished complete mastery of the game. you've singlehandedly defeated the 'greatest players' in their own archaic tiers. meeting you in person was an absolute treat. you're a super down to earth guy. this post-tournament drama has me livid man. you're one of the players on the team that deserves the trophy the most. you're the best player on the website.. and I have a strong feeling this is not the end. we will certainly have the opportunity to meet again.

Philip7086 you're a legend. you're an absolute legend. you're veteran, upper echelon, and I think that has made it hard for us to connect in the past. at the start of my smogon tenture, I was bottom-sucking meme-y, click-click mindless offense guy figuring things out for myself. I was always too loud and rude towards others outside of my circle. i've never been considered a top player by the smogon elite, i've never paid them heed or communicated with them in a respectful way. the culture I started pokemon in rewarded those who were loud, made the flashiest plays, and talked the most crap. in retrospect this is a pretty cancerous mentality and I've done my best to dial that back with my return to the tournament scene. meeting you was so humbling phil. you've always been a part of the community way above my head. being able to sit down, talk and hang out with you was a very grounding experience. you're an exemplary person, not only in this community but also in life. you have your shit figured out, and you're able to use that as a way to help and guide others. thank you so much for contributing and seeing us at the meetup. congratulations on all of your recent success, congratulations on your house, and congratulations on this tournament. you're gunna be a crazy good dad.

undisputed Kevin SWOLE :swole: What a beast! One of the few to have been to both Westcons.. We've known each other for a long freaking time. You were on my first tournament team (SPL 4 BIGs .. my only negative tournament record .. you probably loved me!). I loved your reference earlier in the season to our BW suspect test ladder games .. I specifically remember how hard your Tentacruel was to kill then. I've been trying to win a smogon trophy for all these years now.. And it feels surreal to finally win one. It's a pleasure to win alongside you. Undi, you carried us magnificently and completely. Our tournament came down to your tiebreaker game against South, and you know what, I wasn't worried about it then. You're an absolute animal, and you carried the team on your back on multiple occasions. You're a beast, you're a savage, you're the best ADV player on the site, prove me wrong.

Oristeros i definitely had mixed feelings about you in the beginning. your addition to the roster was last minute, and I was weary about moving lax out of bw after a solid performance last year. but after hearing that you were old friends with hugo, and meeting you in SF, a lot of my worries were eased. you're one of the few on the roster that have won both years West has made it. you holding down bw opened up lax to play and carry in another tier. you nabbed crucial wins that we would not have qualified the playoffs without. admittedly I didn't get to know you this year. we had a plethora of bw support and I had the feeling the help you got from lavos and z0mog would be more accurate and sturdy than my suggestions. bw is a very volatile and specialized tier. i think you did a fantastic job of picking the metagame back up. you have a good understanding of gamestates. I hope that you will stick around the tournament scene, and I hope to get to know you better in the future.

craing ;_; Ben Gay. of all the people i've played over the years, no one has had my number quite like you. i've always been able to take a game or two off of people, no matter who they are. not you man. i remember sitting there, challenging you game after game, just to lose one after the next. you are and always will be a better player than me. you have such a deep understanding of the game and all of the possible gamestates moving forward. that allows you to thread incredible plays together - plays that no one else would consider. this allows you to leap ahead in matchups were you should lose. but it can also bite you if your opponent does not play accordingly. this is why you also change your gameplan based on how good your opponent is. you take so many factors like this into consideration that most people don't even know to think about. you think about the nature of the game you're going to go into - the opponent, the time, the day, the scheduling, the tournament scenario. pokemon they've used in the past, pokemon they haven't used in the past. these are just the obvious things .. you take every external factor surrounding a game and find a way to use it to your advantage. you have a deeeeeeeep understanding of pokemon as a whole and the current metagames. nobody alive has such an extensive framework of the tiers burned into their minds. this allows you to build any sort of team you want, using whatever crazy, offbeat pokemon you can think of. because you're going to cover the general metagame as best you can regardless of what it is you're using. or, whatever you expect out of a specific matchup. these factors and so many more make you a unique individual. you've got a mind like no other, and boy have you gotten results with it. it is important for you to have other people to help you direct this, though. otherwise you're likely to go too far off and lose your grounding in reality. ben, you're such a strong consistent player. making it to the finals of OST twice is so freaking ridiculous man. i've made it there once and couldn't imagine making it there again. this demonstrates unparalleled consistency. you built the heavy majority of our SM teams, and they all worked out man. thank you for giving so much of yourself to the team. can confirm that my SM loss this tour was with a z0mog team. you're an extremely unique individual and it was awesome to meet you. i'm sure we'll have the opportunity to do so again in the future. cheers dude.

lax LAX ON RAX ON STAX. We're looking at a god damn CHAMPION here. Lax, it's embarrassing for me dude, our relationship started out on the wrong foot. I was one of the people that didn't want you on West three~ years ago. I'm looking all types of foolish now. You've been chill to hang out with, we've had good times in SF. I'm not sure at what point it was but you overtook me in CG OU man. In the test game we played this year you blew me back. You have such an aggressive, but somehow methodical style when you play. It's honestly just a pleasure to watch you safely, but still dominantly, overpower your opponents. You're the most dominant SM OU player on the website - I'm gunna go ahead and say Lax Top 1 SM OU.

blarghlfarghl Oh my LORD. What the f*ck dude. In my efforts to bring as many players back from last year, you and I started talking on PS a few months ago. You had lost touch with a lot of the team and there was some supposed beef between you and z0mog. After hearing about that, and seeing you act like a general annoying f*g in general chats, I wasn't so sure if this was going to be such a good idea. But you had already joined back to the West discord and maybe there was no going back. You did relieve a lot of my worries in some conversations we had, but I really felt bad for the #wcop discord throughout the duration of the tournament. While I will often join in to control the flow of a general chat, one thing I noticed about you is that you can hold your own in any situation. No matter how rude people are to you, or how much they poke you, you always manage to construct a good comeback on the spot. This is a trait that annoying people SHOULD possess - if you're going to be active, loud, and out there, that's an important trait to have. But noticing this also helped me realize that you're totally fine on your own. As troll as you are, as loud as you are, as annoying as you are, you're decent at pokemon man. Of course, I still crush you when we play (there was that ONE you got off me..). It was awesome to team with you again blargh and you're a big part of the New West. i'm glad we all came together and you did an amazing job in the playoffs. i hope that you can make it to the next meetup, it would be awesome to meet you. burrito gang.

rozes Man i was SO skeptical to see you come back to the team. i wasn't a West member during the whole ghosting scandal, and I thought bringing you back would be bad juju. But it was nice to meetup with you in SF. I learned a lot about you then.. You're an amazing planner, and you definitely stick to the schedule. Thank you for your hospitality and taking us around in SF. It was great to have you back this year. Thank you for carrying us in the scouting department. Thank you for putting so much time and energy into testing and learning rby. You being practiced and in-tune with the metagame is all it took to help carry in the finals.

Meru It was awesome to meet you. You've got your shit together. Driving up to SF was a blast .. Going 30+ the speedlimit + EDM = Great Fun. I've always been a lowkey fan of you Meru. You've always been a consistent player. i still remember that BW sand team you spammed .. i actually stole that Aromaticity RMT layout for use in my Zard-Y RMT.. I've never seen a better format for any RMT in my life. When rozes was having a hard time in the tier I was kinda wondering why you weren't starting.. You had a solid wcop last year and a deep RBY Cup run recently. Oh well dude, it worked out. I think it was kind of unfair to sub you into ORAS with such little preparation. I give you a lot of credit for showing up that game and giving it your all. pretty sure non-pm2 ORAS is just cursed. this just plays into the team being there to carry when one makes a mistake .. and we all made mistakes this year.

ima i loved seeing you give input in a lot of the channels. there are a lot of things to worry about when it comes to tournament pokemon. and you certainly worried about a lot of them. potential threatening matchups, stuff like that. it can be hard to be the guy that's always worrying .. but thank you for helping us in that regard. i'll always remember that moment last year where you played our last game of groups. it was a 100% needed win to make it to playoffs at all. with our tournament life on the line, you took a paste from me, and went on to crush your opponent. how glad I was to see you in that game, and continue on in the tournament. it's hard to come out ontop in every moment like that. i personally believe oras was just cursed this year - calling it curse of pm2. it was awesome to talk to you this year about your feelings when finishing nisekoi .. you've got exceptionally good taste and I hope we can connect on more pieces in the future

Mithril the man. one of the few to be on both winning iterations of West. a gatekeeper, level-headed.. thank you for continuing to lead us year after year. GO WEST! come to meetup

Shiba shiba! you were pretty active in chat actually. more-so than others in your position in previous years. as helpful and friendly as you could have been.. fun to have you around.. come to meetup

Zepherox thank you for stepping onto the big stage when we needed you most. don't know much about you .. come to meetup

imsosorrylol thank you for popping in (now and again) to offer teams and a fresh perspective on our SM OU builds. thanks for sharing some of your music. you sound like a trippy dude sooo I hope you're able to make it to a meetup

emforbes congrats!

Thank you to everyone who supported and cheered for US West along the way. Thank you to everyone who helped us with test games, and other related things. Thank you to our opponents for pushing us to our limits. I'm thankful to have been able to contribute to US West throughout the years, and I look forward to more team tournaments in the future.

lmao i shouldve made a cameo appearance at the meetup but I had work u did some good shit dude
Congratulations to us. Well deserved. This win was truly a team effort.

US West is our home. I would be long gone by now if it weren't for these guys. No win or trophy means more to me than what we have together. To my teammates, I love y'all.

I never read anyone else's shout outs because at the end of the day y'all would rat each other out just to share a discord channel with ABR. However, I would like to highlight the extraordinary efforts that made this such a successful season. My teammates deserve recognition.

Foremost, craing ;_; thank you for one last hard carry. You were the mastermind behind all our SM and ORAS for at least the past three years and have truly been our MVP every season. We couldn't come close to winning without your savant buildings skills and team effort.

Lavos Your leadership and team effort were critical. You can't ask for more than a free GSC win every week, team effort in other tiers, and unmatched tie break confidence. You died for our sins, but I know you're smiling out there.

lax We put you in tough situations time and time again this tournament, but every time you came out on top. Enjoy this because you earned it.

z0mOG Beyond your skills as a player and team effort, you are an excellent Captain for us. You are kind, thoughtful, witty, and charismatic. That's a real talent. We wouldn't be here without your leadership.

Philip7086 Flawless DPP (as always) and stepped up big time for the ADV tie break. I'm happy we could get one last win for you.

Valentine Every year we put you in a new tier, and every year you rise to the challenge. Few people have the ability to play any tier at such a high level on a moment's notice.

Oristeros Thank you for coming out of a long retirement to help us win this tournament one last time. I knew we were in good hands when I saw you at West Con.

blarghlfarghl You are truly the unsung hero of our season. Your games were probably the most important of this season because you gave us confidence.

rozes You religiously made us info graphics. Even if you didn't win all your RBY games, you made every single one of us better with all the effort you invested in supporting us. That was invaluable.

ima You make the team chat work. Anyone who's played in a team tournament knows just how important that is.

Meru Mithril Shiba Zepherox imsosorrylol goons. Thank you.

emforbes congrats!

This may be my last tournament as I move on to different priorities in my life. If this is it, I'm happy to go out on a big win with my boys. World Cup is my favorite tournament because we get to play together every year. We've learned to like and trust one another. Our friendships extend beyond this computer screen and For you I am grateful.

One last big congratulations to us for this win and all the team effort that went into it.
Congrats to West on an incredible run!

Sjneider can play for West as soon as his proof of residence is stronger than "changed his profile to say he was from California two weeks before the tour" and "logged into Smogon once during a weekend's vacation." :blobthumbsup:
this exact approach worked for one of your other tour directors, abr, when he seemingly moved to Israel. to think that your position can accurately determine someone's eligibility is a joke
this exact approach worked for one of your other tour directors, abr, when he seemingly moved to Israel. to think that your position can accurately determine someone's eligibility is a joke
Besides the fact that the people who let me on afrabs in 2016 and the people who currently run the td team are entirely different in composition, you should be appreciative of the fact that the td team as a whole learns from past mistakes instead of repeating them.


grubbing in the ashes
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this exact approach worked for one of your other tour directors, abr, when he seemingly moved to Israel. to think that your position can accurately determine someone's eligibility is a joke
Yeah, and that is regularly brought up as one of the worst abuses of WCOP's old eligibility rules in recent memory. Since then we moved solely to IP-based eligibility, partially to prevent people from obviously gaming the system to go wherever they want. More importantly, though, it provides an objective metric for qualification rather than "hey, wonder what I can convince a TD of." Right now the system is super straightforward: if you played last year, you can play on that same team again this year. If you didn't, we have specific IP-based metrics.

Yes, that does mean that we end up excluding people who for example grew up in one area but moved away right before they started spending time on Smogon from playing for the team where they grew up. And it makes it harder for people who go to school in one region but who live in another; while we have rules that address joint eligibility, they still are predicated on sufficient IP history in both regions, so if you for example don't really log into Smogon on your summers at home, you're probably SoL and stuck on the region where you attend school. It ain't perfect, but I'll still take it over the "yeah lol I guess ABR can play for Afrabs that sounds legit" days.
Besides the fact that the people who let me on afrabs in 2016 and the people who currently run the td team are entirely different in composition, you should be appreciative of the fact that the td team as a whole learns from past mistakes instead of repeating them.
what am i appreciative of? you should be appreciative that you cheated eligibility in an official tournament but for some reason can still be a TD


formerly Stone Cold
is a Tournament Directoris a Forum Moderatoris a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SCL Championis a Five-Time Past WCoP Champion
Good shit west! You all looked spectacular this year. Aside from Lax looking like fuckin Maximus Aurelius this tournament, Phil quietly had one of his best tournaments ever and easily his best World Cup ever at the ripe old age of 42. Good job brother!

Edit: also lmao lavos doin his best Joffrey impression. Fuck the haters bro. You’re the mack daddy. Lay off the wine for a while just in case
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alright i feel compelled to do shoutouts cuz we won and cuz i enjoy the validation of receiving smogon likes, but my teammates know i appreciate them and dont need me to suck their dicks anyway (except maybe zom) so i wont make this too corny. im happy with my play and my results and im glad i could perform for yall when you needed me.

thanks to everyone on west for a good tour, though this was easily the most stressful mons experience of my life. i'm sure everyone felt the same, but thanks for putting up with me in chat, especially when id get frustrated at our oras prep in groups or get drunk and argue with zomog about minor sets or team changes. hope i can make it to westcon 3.0 next year

big thanks to our helpers in the chat: psychicmewtwo you left an 0-8 shaped hole in the team when you left but it was nice to have your support in playoffs. Heroic Troller you were another great presence and i could always count on your answering my ignorant questions during our old gen games. Sjneider u better improve ur eligibility for next year id love to actually team with u. i was also surprised to learn that u were identical twins with Jytcampbell .

thanks to Flares. Hiye FMG virgin and the rest of wg and tss for their varying degrees of support
Ransei joo is too locked to let u know but he asked me to pass on a message:

-Tsunami- : The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth before my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze.

lastly, id like to thank almost all of my opponents for being courteous in scheduling and ingame.

looks like i got my gratification after all

see you in snake.
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